Radio Operators Certificate
General course information
The aim of this course is to provide participants with the skills and knowledge to operate communications systems and equipment in surf lifesaving operations.
Specific entry requirements
To patrol as land-based award member, that is a member does not hold proficient Bronze or SRC award, you must also hold the Observers award.
To complete the observers and radio operators awards, you must be a financial member who is 13+ years of age. You can join the club online or contact the office.
If you are 18 years or older you will also require a Blue Card details are on the SLSQ website
Course overview
Learning Outcomes:
Use communication systems and equipment
Transmit and receive communications
Maintain communications equipment
Theory Questions (11)
Radio Maintenance (pre-use/post-use checks)
Correct use of Radio Equipment
ROC Competency Record

Alex Surf Club proudly delivers emergency care training under licence to SLSQ RTO #2804