Pick your learning pathway
You can be involved in both water and land-based roles.
Check out SLSQ's interactive guide that walks you through the prerequisites and course requirements.
Training Courses
​Upcoming courses at Alex
Current members can enrol via the SLSQ Education Hub > Course List (same username and password as the SLSA Members Area). If you are a new member, please see the minimum membership requirements information below.​
​​​​​​​​​Surf Rescue Certificate - Saturdays 3rd – 24th May (enrolment deadline: 730am 28th April)
Must be able to swim unaided with an overarm stroke of 200m under 5 minutes prior to starting the course. This will be observed on the first day of the course by your trainer. Members who cannot make the pre-requisite swim time will be referred to swimming training and invited to attend a future course when their swimming has improved.
Must be able to swim unaided with an overarm stroke of 400m in nine (9) minutes or less prior to starting the course. This is to be submitted to the office on the swim form (sent upon enrolment), evidenced by a swim coach or assessor.
Course 1: 1st & 2nd March (enrolment deadline: 730am 26th February)
Course 2: school holidays 30th June - 2nd July (enrolment deadline: 730am 25th June)
Silver Medallion IRB Driver FULL! contact office for waiting list - 9th April (6-9pm); 12th, 13th, 26th & 27th April 2025 (7am-3pm) - requires currently proficient in Bronze and IRB Crew certificate, current state marine license.​
IRB Crew Course - 6th August (6-9pm); 9th, 10th & 16th August 2025 (7am-3pm) - requires proficient Bronze (enrolment deadline 5pm 1st August)
First Aid and ART courses are regularly delivered by Sunshine Coast Regional Office (Branch)
CPR / First Aid 1st March; 5th April; 3rd May; 31st May
CPR / ART 12th April; 14th June; 17th May
CPR/First Aid/ART 8th February; 19th April; 21st June
Which course to enrol into?
If you don’t hold First Aid (HLTAID011) or it has expired (or is about to expire) complete CPR/First Aid
If you do hold a current first aid award (HLTAID011) but do not have ART or hold the older ART (HLTAID007) award, enrol into CPR/ART
If you don’t have either First Aid or ART and would like both awards enrol into CPR/First Aid/ART (must do all 3 no exit point)
​​To enrol, login to the SLSQ Education Hub (same user name and password as the SLSA Members Area) and go to 'Courses' and search for the course you would like to attend (e.g. CPR/First Aid for Members_Branch) and select the Enrol button to view the above courses.
Please call the branch office directly if you have questions about Branch run courses.
​​​​​​​​​Registrations will be accepted on a first-come first-served basis.
This nationally recognised training is provided by Surf Life Saving Queensland (RTO 2804)
Minimum membership entry requirements for any course
Before you enrol into a course, make sure your membership is current and you have all the green ticks.
This quick guide will help you.
Unique Student Identifier (USI)
To enrol into any course, you will also need your Unique Student Identifier (USI) number. A USI is an individual education number that's assigned to you for life by the Australian Government. It's free and will take about 5 minutes to complete the process - you will need at least one form of valid identification. For current high-school students you will also need your Learner Unique Identifier (LUI) if relevant for QCE points.