Pick your learning pathway
Check out SLSQ's interactive guide that walks you through the prerequisites and course requirements.
Training Courses
​Upcoming courses at Alex (training room)
CPR & First Aid & Advanced Resuscitation Techniques full - enrolments now closed (combined course - must do all three awards, there are no entry or exit points) Saturday 18th January - this course is for members who would like both first aid and ART.
NOTE: it is a requirement to complete self-paced online theory and assessment questions prior to attending the face-to-face session. If you have any questions, please contact the office or CTO.
Check out the information guide about these emergency care courses
Silver Medallion IRB Driver - 9th April (6-9pm); 12th, 13th, 26th & 27th April 2025 (7am-3pm) - requires currently proficient in Bronze and IRB Crew person, current state marine license.​
Upcoming courses delivered by Sunshine Coast Regional Office (Branch)
CPR/FIRST AID January 25th Sunshine Coast Regional Office
CPR/ART February 1st Sunshine Coast Regional Office
CPR/FIRST AID/ART February 8th Sunshine Coast Regional Office
CPR/ART February 22nd To be delivered at Bribie Island SLSC
CPR/FA February 23rd To be delivered at Redcliffe Peninsula SLSC
CPR/FA March 1st Sunshine Coast Regional Office
CPR/ART March 9th To be delivered at Redcliffe Peninsula SLSC
​​To enrol, login to the SLSQ Education Hub and go to 'Courses' and search for the course you would like to attend (e.g. CPR/First Aid for Members_Branch) and select the Enrol button to view the above courses.
Please call the branch office directly if you have questions about Branch run courses.
​​​​​​​​​Registrations will be accepted on a first-come first-served basis.
This nationally recognised training is provided by Surf Life Saving Queensland (RTO 2804)
Minimum membership entry requirements for any course
Financial member (you can join the club here) and if over 18 hold a Blue Card and complete the online child safety courses (CYRMS and CSA). Once you have joined the club and are a financial member, this quick information sheet provides you an overview on how to set up your membership accounts.
Unique Student Identifier (USI)
To enrol into any course, you will also need your Unique Student Identifier (USI) number. A USI is an individual education number that's assigned to you for life by the Australian Government. It's free and will take about 5 minutes to complete the process - you will need at least one form of valid identification. For current high-school students you will also need your Learner Unique Identifier (LUI) if relevant for QCE points.