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  • When does membership open for joining or renewing?
    Nipper Registration can be done HERE from the 1st July 2023
  • Do Parents need to be members
    Yes, at least one parent must be a member of the Surf Club. The membership fees will cover two parents.
  • How old does my child have to be to join Nippers?
    The minimum age for a child to start Nippers is 5 years of age. Your child must have turned 5 on or before the 30th September of the year of starting
  • My child can’t swim very well, is Nippers a good place for them to learn?"
    No, Nippers is not a learn-to-swim organisation. Your child needs some reasonable swimming skills to be able to take part in Nippers each week. We recommend that you enrol your child in a swim school to learn basic swimming skills prior to joining Nippers. Please click here to find out the swimming requirements to become a nipper.
  • My child is a current Nipper, do they still need to complete the pool and run/swim/run competency?"
    Yes. Each year every child must complete the relevant Pool and Beach evaluations of their age group to participate in the program. Please call the office to find out the swimming requirements for each age group.
  • Can I drop my child at Nippers and leave the beach and come back at the end to pick them up?
    No. It is a requirement of participation in the program that a parent or caregiver is on the beach at all times while their child is signed on at Nippers. It is an expectation that parents get involved in helping at Nippers each week, whether it is as a water safety officer, helping set up or cook the BBQ or assisting with beach set up/pack down. Without parent helpers Nippers cannot run.
  • My Child’s Grandparent, nanny or other caregiver will sometimes bring them down to Nippers do they have to join?"
    Yes they should be members to attend any club related activities. If you are a single parent family you can join up a grandparent, nanny or other caregiver as part of your family membership at no additional charge (family membership structure includes up to 2 parents/guardians/caregivers). If you wish to sign up an additional (i.e. third) adult family member or carer this will be at an additional cost.
  • When does the Nipper season start and finish?
    Pool Swim Day is the 27th August 2023 at flying fish pool Nipper registrations are done online as per step 1 The first Nipper Sunday session for 2023/2024 is Sunday, 17th September 2023, this is an Ocean Proficiency Day. The last Nipper Sunday session for 2023/2024 is yet to be confirmed.
  • What uniform will my child need for Nippers?
    Each child will require a high viz rash vest and a colored tie down cap (age groups are assigned specific colours) to participate at Nipper Sunday’s and a competition cap for carnivals. It is recommended that Nippers wear Club swimwear, which can be purchased from our Nipper Uniform Room on Nipper Sundays.
  • Does my child have to compete at carnivals to join Nippers?
    No, Nippers is all about teaching water safety skills in open water and producing lifesavers of the future. While competition is an important tool in this process, and the Club encourages Nippers to take part, it is not compulsory.
  • Does Nippers run every Sunday?
    There will be times throughout the season where Nipper Sunday sessions will not run or will be cancelled. Cancellations are unfortunate, however sessions will not run when the beaches have been closed or if rough conditions are forecast. For all other weekends where a Nipper Sunday session will not be run, members will be advised as early as possible via Team App, Facebook and Email.
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